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· Breast Reconstruct,Breast Cancer,Reconstruction,Breast Surgery,Breast Construction

I finished my last radiation procedure on March 24, 2017. Following that, there were regular doctor appointments with all the specialists, trips to Tampa to my plastic surgeon for breast fills of the expanders, blood tests, monthly shots of Zoladex (to continue for five years), and daily medication of Femara (to continue for five years).


On October 3, 2017, I traveled to Tampa for my reconstruction surgery. The next day I would have my expanders removed and I receive my new implants. I spent one night in the hospital following the surgery, and since then have been healing and keeping up with all my doctor appointments. The radiated breast sits higher than the unradiated breast.


I must stress the importance of massaging your breasts after surgery to help with the shape.


The radiated breast looks more natural now, although not perfect. I am hoping that with the next surgery something can be done to correct a few issues.


My nipples were removed when the mastectomy operation was performed. So the nipple reconstruction will be the final step in the plastic surgery process.